Our Top Home Based Snow Exercises

Snow Exercises

Well, Winter is finally here. The days are colder, longer and the skies are a little greyer. This can mean only 1 thing SNOW SEASON IS HERE!! . Here are our top home-based snow exercises to level up your enjoyment on the Victorian ski fields this season.  We missed out on last season due to the Covid-19 restrictions.  And if your anything like me, nothing is going to keep you from the ski lifts this season. But are you ski fit?

But is your body ready to hit the slopes this year?  In order to get the most out of your days on the slopes, here are our top 6 Home-based snow exercises to get your body ski ready this year. These aim to maximize your time on the slopes and NOT in the lodge.

Are your Legs Snow ready?

You don’t need to be Einstein to know your legs are the most important factor in enjoying your day on the slopes. Regardless if your a Skiier, snowboard or Cross country skier. If your legs are weak, you’ll spend more time in the lodge than on the slopes. Developing strength and endurance is vital for snow sports. Our main muscle group is the Quadriceps – those big muscles of your thigh. And these carry most of the load in downhill skiing.

Snow Exercises #1: Lower Body:

Mastering these home-based exercises and you’ll see your skiing improve exponentially. Gone are the days of falling over due to fatigue. You’ll be jumping into day 2, and NOT crawling out of bed in agony and leg spasm. The Split Squats will challenge your legs, and start to develop those quads. While the deadlift is a great lower body strengthening exercise.

A Strong Calf complex is essential. And often forgotten muscle group.  Especially for us snowboarders. Going from your heel edge to your toe edge is all about strong calves. Why not level up your calf strength with this simple yet effective exercise. Double down in Quadriceps activation with this cracker home-based snow exercise.

Split Squat

Wall Sit

Dead Lift

Snow Exercise # 2: Core Stability Focus

I’m not too sure I can think of a sport that doesn’t require a strong core! But negotiating moguls, bursting through powder or flying down your favorite black run is going to require some core stability. Having a strong core and abdominals helps aid in balance and maintaining an upright posture. Being able to make fine adjustments to the ever-changing terrain, is the difference between falling and eating a mouth full of snow. And the sheer exhilaration, and talking about the “best run of the day”!

Pallof Press Variation

Stir the Pot


Snow Exercises #3: Upper Body Strength:

We can’t neglect our beginners. And who doesn’t love an upper body workout?  It may be a long time ago since our veterans can remember falling over. But those new to the sport are going to need some upper body strength. Why? Well, you need some strength to repeatedly push up off the snow after falling down. And let’s be honest, Mt. Buller and Mt. Hotham do seem to have their fair share of flat spots. Pushing hard with your polls – or dragging your snowboarding friends is going to rely on some upper body strength.


Alternate Shoulder Press:

Face Pull

KettleBell Drag

Don’t let your body hold you back from an epic time on the slopes. Ensuring you are ski fit, and strong, males for a far better snow experience.

If you need any further advice on how to best prepare for the upcoming snow season, reach out to us. We are here to help. Remember, in the words of Warren Miller,If you don’t do it this year, you will be one year older when you do.” 

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