Creating Healthy Habits in the New Year

Back pain, Shoulder pain, Knee pain

If statistics can be believed, and why wouldn’t we believe them, about 76% of us engage in New years resolutions and 41% are given up in the first few weeks of the new year. The vast majority of these resolutions are centred around fat or weight loss, quitting smoking and improving on exercise habits. So why is it most New Year resolutions fail? I believe it’s because we choose too vague or too broad New Years resolutions.

Below are a few tips to try and implement, so you stick to your resolutions and help you on your way to becoming a better “you” in 2015.

#1 Make Yourself Accountable:

There is a thinking that New Years resolutions are more successful than resolutions made at other times during the year because we verbalise our goals. That is, we let others know what we are trying to achieve. Human nature dictates, that we are more driven to accomplish our goals when we let down those who are important to us and who hold us accountable to achieving these goals. So tell a loved one, let your coach or personal trainer know your resolutions. Having no accountability is a recipe for failure.

#2 Set Realistic Goals:

Finding a balance between optimism and realism is the key to success. Having smaller achievable goals sets us up for success. Something like attending the gym 3 days a week is better than trying to run 5km’s every day. Although this is a good goal, breaking it down to smaller achievable tasks is a more successful approach. Once you have achieved a small goal, build on it, and increase the challenges you set for yourself.

#3 Set Yourself up to Succeed.

Identifying your own weakness is another important factor in achieving results. You know yourself best. Dr Seuss tells us “ You are you and that is true, there is no one alive more your’ than you” his english is not the best but he is correct. If you know you are tempted to hit snooze on the alarm instead of getting up for an early morning gym session – put your exercise clothes across the room from your bed – with your alarm clock on top! Find small ways to encourage yourself to succeed rather than “skip” a session or “come back to that task later” Before you know it, you’ll be reflecting on 2015 as another year you tried to succeed. Make 2015 the year you do.

#3 Try New Things.

People often say “if you keep doing the same old things, you will continue to get the same old results” So challenge yourself, step out of your comfort zone. Attempting new activities will hopefully result in a new found energy and desire to succeed. Making it fun will motivate you to continue trying. Join a group fitness class, train with a friend, engage the services of a personal trainer – again all these small ideas set the wheels in motion, setting you up for success rather than disappointment.


“They” the experts and researchers tell us it takes about 21 days or so to create a habit. After this our brain starts to work with us and things become easier. So stick with it in the early days. You will no doubt be tempted to take the path of least resistance and give in to what is comfortable. But if you push yourself, and resist this urge, you will reap the rewards as your habit sets in and it becomes second nature.

#5 Trust in the Greek Gods

It is thought January is named after Janus – the ancient Roman God of beginnings and transitions. He has 2 faces one looking to the past and one looking to the future. There is no surprise then, that he should act as a reminder for your New Year resolution – learn from the past, but look forward to the future and a new “YOU”

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