Stop Tennis Elbow Pain



What Is Causing My Tennis Elbow?


It may surprise you, that you don’t need to play tennis to suffer from Tennis Elbow. It is an extremely common and frustrating injury, that can affect every aspect of your daily life. Everything from trouble opening jars or turning keys to holding a cup of coffee. The pain is felt at the outside of the forearm. And aggravated by even the slightest muscle contraction. Repetitive actions that overuse the muscles of the forearms are usually to blame for these injuries.


What Can I Do About My Tennis Elbow?

  1. Stretching

The pain of Tennis elbow may limit movement. As a result of this, we should only stretch your muscles up to what’s possible. Some may not be able to do it when the injury has just occurred, however, you can once the pain lessens. Extend your arms and bend your hands upwards and downwards. This stretched the wrist and improves the range of motion and allows your tendon to take on heavier loads.

Tennis Elbow Pain


2. Joint Mobilization

This type of treatment is targeted around the problem area, either a joint or the spine. It’s an effective therapy in relieving pain because it releases pressure from sensitive nerves or tissues. It also encourages movement while activating the body’s natural painkillers such as endorphins. It’s great paired with our strengthening exercises.

  1. Soft Tissue Massage

This is a method for releasing tension in muscles, tendons, and other tissues. It improves joint flexibility, range of motion while increasing endorphins, similar to the effects of joint mobilization. It also increases blood circulation and decreases muscle spasms.

  1. Hot/Cold Therapy

It’s a simple age-old technique but remains effective in reducing pain. Which to use would depend on what you want to be treated. For chronic pain, stiff joints, and muscle spasm we find Heat is best. And is best applied for 20 minutes. ( unless instructed otherwise) For new or acute injuries, we find ice/ cold therapy best. We do this because cold therapy helps reduce blood flow. By reducing blood flow we can reduce inflammation. This protocol is generally used for the first 24-72 hours. Always protect the skin from direct ice contact.

  1. Shockwave Therapy

Radial pressure shockwave therapy is a relatively new modality for the treatment of tennis elbow. It is a non-invasive procedure and it involves passing shock waves through the skin into the injured area using. The high energy acoustic waves promote regeneration and reparative processes of the soft tissues, inducing tissue repair, enhancing microvascular growth and thus relieving the symptoms of tennis elbow.

  1. Strength Program

These following techniques are simple and easy for anyone to do even at home.

Here Are Our Favorite Strength Exercises For Tennis Elbow:

1) Forearm Strengthening: Eccentric – Lengthening.

2) Forearm Strengthening: Supination.

3) Forearm Strengthening: Pronation:


Take-Home Message…

  • Tennis elbow is an injury that is more common than you think. And Can occur in those who DON’T play Tennis.
  • You CAN, make a full recovery. There are countless research articles to support this.
  • There are a number of different successful treatment options available
  • Early intervention generally supports and better long term outcomes.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions about your Tennis Elbow pain or want some specific advice we are more than happy to chat with you. you can email us at

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