Osteopathy and Headaches


Many of us experience headaches during our lifetime. They are one of the most common ailments that we as a society face. They can range from being just nagging and frustrating, to debilitating. Affecting work, study, and the things we love to do. There are many different types of headaches and your Osteopath can play an important role in the treatment and management of this condition.


What Are The Different Types Of Headaches?

There are many different classifications (hundreds!) of headaches, however, the most common types are:

  • Tension-type
  • Migraine
  • Cervicogenic
  • Cluster
  • Menstrual

There are distinct characteristics of how each of these presents, and by having a detailed examination at the clinic with one of our osteopaths we can establish how best to treat your symptoms.




What Is Causing My Headaches?

Headaches can be caused by a variety of differing reasons. These may include:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Dehydration
  • Eyes / Vision
  • Neck Pain and Tightness
  • Poor posture
  • Accidents
  • Medications – known as a rebound headache
  • Environmental factors such as strong odours & pollution, and dietary irregularities

Perhaps one of the most overlooked causes of migraine and tension headache is due to nerve irritation in the upper neck caused by poorly functioning spinal joints. Since the nerves of the upper neck supply areas of the scalp and face, irritation to these nerves can and often lead to headaches.

What Can You Do?

  1. Keep a headache diary and learn your headache triggers
  2. Keep a regular sleep schedule
  3. Stay hydrated
  4. Reduce your alcohol intake
  5. Avoid processed foods
  6. Get regular exercise
  7. Avoid caffeine

What Can We Do?

  1. Identify which TYPE of headache you have! This is sometimes overlooked
  2. Joint mobilization
  3. Stretch Tight muscles
  4. Strengthen weak muscles
  5. Posture correction strategies
  6. Massage and trigger point release


Here Are Our Favourite Posture Correction Strategies:

1. Cat Camel Mobilisation:

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2. Thread The Needle – Spinal Mobility

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3. Bird Dog – Stability

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Take-Home Message…

Almost everyone gets headaches. Many are nothing to worry about. But if headaches are disrupting your activities, work or personal life, it’s time to see your osteopath. They can’t always be prevented, but your osteopath can help you manage the symptoms.

Any Questions?

Feel free to email us at info@equilibriumsas.com.au . if you have any specific questions about your specific type of headache.

Osteopaths Glen Iris

And let the Osteopath’s at Equilibrium Sports and Spinal Clinic in Glen Iris guide you to a life without headaches!

Ask Our Osteo

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